• Christos Terezis
Keywords: Cosmology, Ctisiology, Byzantium, Philoponus, Photius, God, matter


This article belongs to both the systematic and historical branches of
Theology. On the one hand, it deals with certain issues of the discipline of Cosmology and, on
the other hand, it refers to with the way in which they are developed by two leading personalities
of Eastern Christianity, Philoponus and Photius. Both (with the latter commenting on a text by
the former) approach the subjects of their reference in an extremely thorough manner, which
can be described as not only theological –on the basis of the biblical view– but also scientific
and philosophical. They take as their starting point the ontological monistic paradigm of
Christianity and, according to its content, suggest that God is the Creator of the entire world.
Thus, they do not adopt the dualistic paradigm of Ancient Greek philosophy, which they criticize
in part.


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